Your Work From Home Station and Your Posture
Here at Triada Health our team has been working hard to keep our clients healthy and functional during lock downs. The goal has been to minimize the impact of your work from home station and your posture. This can cause many new or increased aches and pains from your new work station—for many people this is their couch or kitchen table. So let’s talk about posture and tips to make your work at home experience a great one for starters! No… We don’t get kick backs from Amazon, just want to give an idea of options you can buy from home!
This is a vital PSA…. get your laptop off your lap while you’re on the couch!!!! Your neck is so sad you are doing this, even if your cat is the happiest.
Get up!
Make sure to take breaks to stretch your body, breathe, have a 30 second dance party, or walk that pooch giving you the sad puppy dog eyes in the corner. Get the blood moving to wake up your brain and body!
Sit at a desk or table where you can sit up right with your knees and elbows at 90 degrees. Ensure back support and relaxed shoulders, for instance.

When working from a laptop we recommend an external keyboard or monitor. It is not possible to have both your neck and arms in proper positions at the same time on a laptop. If you choose an external keyboard—cheap and easy to set up and move—prop your laptop up on a box or books to bring it to eye level.
Here are some links to transform your table into a more ergonomic office.
Questions? Email our chiropractors Dr. Courteney Werner or Dr. Andrew Bell at or book online here.