
Acupuncture is a medical practice that originated in China over 3,000 years ago. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on understanding that balance achieves health. Some might understand this better as homeostasis. Symptoms like pain and anxiety indicate that there are imbalances or obstructions in the body. This can include dysfunction of the nervous system, circulation, tissue health, or biochemistry.

As such, your TCM practitioners will utilize your health history, chief complaint, tongue and pulse diagnosis, and general observations to establish a Chinese medical diagnosis and treatment plan. Practitioners will select techniques and point prescriptions unique to each patient.  By treating the underlying dysfunction, we can address a wide range of conditions and many seemingly “unconnected” symptoms in a course of treatment. This helps to correct minor imbalances BEFORE the become chronic or pathological. Acupuncture is one of the best preventative medicines. Preventative care at its best!

Benefits of Acupuncture

Backed by a large body of scientific evidence, including functional MRI studies of central nervous system effects, acupuncture is a wonderfully versatile medicine. It is commonly used in conjunction with other medical therapies. 

Many associations recognize the benefits of acupuncture:

  • The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and
  • The World Health Organization (WHO). 

Conditions treated include:

  • Acute & chronic pain conditions
  • Women’s health (hormones, PMS, fertility, menopause)
  • Pregnancy support
  • Labour induction
  • Postpartum recovery
  • Mental health (stress, anxiety, depression)
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Digestive disorders
  • Immunity & allergies
  • Neurological conditions
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Facial acupuncture


Registered Acupuncturists (R.Ac and R.TCMP) are skilled healthcare professionals. They apply the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the form of Acupuncture and other supportive techniques. Here in Canada, Traditional Chinese Medicine education is extensive and is typically a Master’s degree level program.

Depending on the title, training requirements start at a minimal 3-year program, over 2600 hours of in-class study, and 650 hours of practical clinical training:

  • Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) – 3-year minimum
  • Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCMP) – 4 years (added intensive herbal medicine component)

For more information visit

Your acupuncture sessions may include:


Cupping therapy has been used for centuries to promote healthy circulation, ease tension and pain, treat respiratory issues, and detox the body. This technique uses gentle suction to mobilize non-circulating (or stagnant) fluids (such as blood, lymph, and cellular waste) away from the site of injury thus creating space for new oxygen and fluids for faster recovery. We use glass cups to create a suction or pulling sensation over muscular areas of the body—the sensation is like the inverse of massage. Cupping may leave red markings on the skin that will fade after a few days. 

triada health cupping

Gua Sha

Gua means “to scrape or rub” and “sha” are the markings that can appear on the skin during the scraping. We use a variety of tools to perform the gua sha technique. The the tool is pulled over acupuncture points and muscular areas to improve blood flow to an area, treat pain, and stimulate the immune system. A few minutes of gua sha goes a long way to make you feel better!


Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy. It utilizes a dried plant material called mugwort (artemisia vulgaris or artemisia argyii). It is commonly compressed into a stick or a pole form and smoldered to create a unique form of penetrating heat. The smoldering pole is held close to, but not touching, the skin, to warm and activate acupuncture points. It stimulates circulation, treats pain, dispels cold and aids immunity. You may expect to see a lot of it for fertility treatments as well!

Auricular Acupuncture/NADA Protocol

The National Acupuncture and Detoxification Association (NADA) Protocol is an ear acupuncture protocol developed to help people recover from substance abuse and alleviate withdrawal symptoms. In a NADA treatment, 5 designated acupuncture points in the ear are needled and retained for 30-40 minutes. These points promote organ recovery, balance the nervous system, and treat stress, anxiety and PTSD.  

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Used as a powerful addition to acupuncture, or as stand-alone therapy, herbal medicine provides a means to improve your health on a daily basis. Whether they are used to build internal strength over the long term or to clear out excess issues like colds and flu, phlegm or acute pain, taking herbs is truly an investment in your health. Formulas are selected based on the unique patterns YOU present and are offered in the form of tablets or powdered granules for your convenience.  Herbs are dispense from the Herb Dispenser (Toronto). Herb Dispenser guarantees “a carefully curated selection of herbs sourced from trusted suppliers worldwide, we ensure that our products meet the highest standards of quality, potency, and purity.”

Named one The 10 Best Acupuncture Clinics in Ottawa by Best of Ottawa