What is Massage Therapy?

What is massage therapy? This should be a simple answer! It depends on your expectation of massage. Some people prefer more of a relaxation focus while others prefer a deep tissue focus. Both are attainable, and sometimes a combination is needed for an optimal effect.

How do Massage Therapists know what depth or technique to use?

Registered Massage Therapists are subjected to a rigorous 2200 hour education that can span anywhere between 18 months to 3 years. This will depending on where they completed their education. All are trained in Swedish massage techniques, and additional training for other techniques will occur once we are graduated and registered. Registered Massage Therapists are trained to look at the body as a whole.  We use specialized tests, posture, and range of motion to help us determine where to treat once we are hands on. We may determine depth through your individual preference, or by what the tissues underneath are allowing to happen. Although we are pretty in tune with you, we also appreciate your input!  For example, if the depth needs to change, please let us know!

What is expected after a massage treatment?

Your therapist will often give you homework or “home-care” as we call it. This  ensures that you get the best benefit from your treatment. It may be something as simple as a stretch or something to be mindful of. It may involve something a bit more in depth such as additional deeper work like frictioning to a previously treated area. If you’re not sure what your therapist is giving you, just ask!

What is the frequency of massage therapy?

This is something usually agreed upon between you and your therapist at the end of the treatment. Depending on the severity of the case presented to the therapist, they may suggest that you return a bit more frequently for a short period. Otherwise you are the one who decides when you need to return for treatment.

Email us at admin@triadahealthottawa.com or BOOK ONLINE here.
Learn more about our massage therapists.
Alyssa Gregory RMT
Katrina Serwylo RMT
Serah Rounds-Zavitz, RMT