Chiropractors and Chiropractic Adjustments
Chiropractors are doctors who focus on neuromusculoskeletal conditions (conditions or injuries relating to the nerves, joints, and muscles).
Chiropractors can use several techniques to address these problems. Hands-on (or manual) adjustments are what people commonly think of in chiropractic care. However, your care may consist of many other approaches as well. Triada also uses instrument-assisted adjusting techniques, soft tissue techniques like Graston© and Myofascial Release Technique, vibration, therapeutic ultrasound, Interferential current (IFC), rehab and exercise therapy, and kinesiology tape. Your chiropractic care may consist of any combination of these techniques. This will depend on the issue and your preferences.

At Triada, we practice evidence-based, patient-centered care. This means that we will formulate treatment plans for your condition and care in line with the best research available. But more than that, your comfort and input are essential to us, and your treatment can be adjusted to reflect your individual needs and concerns.
For more information on chiropractic please visit The Canadian Chiropractic Association, or book in with one of our chiropractors Dr. Courteney Werner or Dr. Andrew Bell